Over 60 manuscripts since 2015 from PARTNER I and PARTNER II, including landmark papers in The New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, and The Lancet.
Learn MoreThe JETSTREAM Calcium study showed increased lumen dimensions by IVUS in femoral-popliteal lesions by removing superficial calcium with the Jetstream Atherectomy System without major complications.
Learn MoreThe CRF Publications Office has published over 300 papers since 2007 from ACUITY, HORIZONS-AMI, INFUSE-AMI, PROSPECT, and other studies.
Learn MoreHORIZONS-AMI investigators found that sustained ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation after primary PCI was not significantly associated with 3-year mortality or major adverse clinical events.
Learn MoreNIRS imaging used to detect lipid core containing plaque in the CANARY, YELLOW, and COLOR studies was analyzed at the CRF IVI Core Lab.
Learn MorePARTNER investigators found that the relationship between moderate/severe pulmonary hypertension and increased mortality after TAVR is altered by sex, and clinical factors appear to be more influential in stratifying risk than hemodynamic indices.
Learn MoreIn the HORIZONS-AMI trial, the development of new-onset congestive heart failure within 2 years after contemporary PCI, although infrequent, was associated with significantly increased rates of mortality and major adverse ischemic events.
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