TCTMD is CRF’s award-winning, comprehensive on-line resource in interventional cardiology that provides in-depth coverage of the percutaneous treatment of cardiovascular disease. Since its launch at TCT 2000, TCTMD has provided clinicians and industry professionals myriad ways to keep up-to-date in the ever-evolving field, including news and data from conferences hosted around the world as well as information about the latest devices and drugs used in the daily practice of cardiovascular medicine.
TCTMD provides:
- Daily coverage of news from journals, conferences, and the lay press
- Slide presentations from US and OUS cardiovascular conferences throughout the year
- Cases submitted by users for the education of our audience
- A Multimedia Center with live case videos, educational webcasts, roundtable discussions, and live coverage of select conferences
- CME programs
Subscription to TCTMD is free through completion of a registration form found at www.tctmd.com/register.aspx.
Advertising & Sponsorships
TCTMD provides a valuable marketing channel for industry to communicate with interventional cardiologists, endovascular physicians and allied clinical professionals.
For more information on how you can connect with your customers when they visit TCTMD, please visit https://www.tctmd.com/about/advertising-sponsorships.
You can also contact :
Stephanie Gutch
Senior Director
Tel: 646-434-4605
E-mail: sgutch@crf.org
Cassandra Stewart
Business Development Manager
Tel: 646-434-4382
E-mail: cstewart@crf.org